Planet & Health
PLANEATARY helps you to eat healthy and sustainable.
The PLANEATARY app provides a universal recommendation for a sustainable and healthy diet.
It is suited for everybody independent of location and culture.
Backed up by the EAT-Lancet Commission on Food, Planet, Health.
PLANEATARY helps you to eat healthy and sustainable.
Select foods from our comprehensive library or create your own.
Get direct feedback on your eating behaviour for long-term progress.
Customize the app according to your desires and needs.
We are two people from Germany developing the PLANEATARY app in their free time.
Inspired by the findings of the “EAT-Lancet Commission” we set out to make those more easily usable in our daily lifes.
That’s how the idea for the PLANEATARY app came to be.
The data the PLANEATARY app relies on to provide diet recommandations is based on scientific research published in the “EAT-Lancet Commission”.
The recommended diets are meant to be healthy while also respecting the planetary boundaries.
The researchers especially analysed the main environmental systems and processes affected by food production: climate change (and therefore greenhouse-gas emissions), biodiversity loss, landsystem change, freshwater use and nitrogen and phosphorus flows.
For more information we recommend reading the scientific paper “Food in the Anthropocene: the EAT-Lancet Commission on healthy diets from sustainable food systems” by Willett, Walter, et al. on which PLANEATARY is based on.
The PLANEATARY app is meant to be usable all around the world, therefore some generalizations are neccessary.
The important point here is that it is more important what you eat than where it is from.
But of course it’s best for the environment if you only eat regional and seasonal.
Animal sourced food and especially red meat have a lot of problematic environmental effects due to emitted greenhouse-gasses, cropland use, water use, nitrogen and phosphorus application and biodiversity loss.
We don’t want to talk those effects down but the reference diet the PLANEATARY app is based on allows for a low daily intake of meat as far as it is ecologically managable.
Nonetheless a vegetarian or vegan diet will be more environmentally friendly than an omnivorous or pescetarian one.
If you don’t want to eat meat you can change the recommended diet to vegetarian or vegan inside the app accordingly.
In general the PLANEATARY app is suitable for everybody two years and older. We do not recommend using it during pregnancy.
Girls in their puberty should check their blood iron level, as they need more iron than the diets recommend.